Yoga Philosophy Discussion Group – Ahimsa: Nonviolence

Saturday, October 26
10:00 - 11:00 am
A Co-Ed Discussion Group - Presented by Brenda Kelly, Owner of Yoga Blossom, LLC
In this Yoga Philosophy Workshop we will explore the first Yama of yoga, Ahimsa (in Sanskrit this means Nonviolence).
Yoga is not just the physical poses that we practice on the mat. Yoga is a way of living. Yoga is a sophisticated system of bringing more awareness of not only your body but also your thoughts.The Yamas (restraints) and Niyamas (observances) are the first two limbs of an eight fold path. We will discuss the 8 limbs of yoga and dive deep into discussion of Ahimsa. We will learn to reclaim peace in ourselves and reflect it toward others.
“Nonviolence, the first jewel, sits as the foundation to the other guidelines, which in turn enhance the meaning and flesh out the richness of nonviolence. Nonviolence is a stance of right relationship with others and with self that is neither self-sacrifice nor self-aggrandizement. This tenet guides us to live together, share the goods and do what we want – without causing harm to others or ourselves.” --Deborah Adele
Part one of ten - workshop discussion of the yamas and niyamas (there are 5 of each).
10:00 - 11:00 am
A Co-Ed Discussion Group - Presented by Brenda Kelly, Owner of Yoga Blossom, LLC
In this Yoga Philosophy Workshop we will explore the first Yama of yoga, Ahimsa (in Sanskrit this means Nonviolence).
Yoga is not just the physical poses that we practice on the mat. Yoga is a way of living. Yoga is a sophisticated system of bringing more awareness of not only your body but also your thoughts.The Yamas (restraints) and Niyamas (observances) are the first two limbs of an eight fold path. We will discuss the 8 limbs of yoga and dive deep into discussion of Ahimsa. We will learn to reclaim peace in ourselves and reflect it toward others.
“Nonviolence, the first jewel, sits as the foundation to the other guidelines, which in turn enhance the meaning and flesh out the richness of nonviolence. Nonviolence is a stance of right relationship with others and with self that is neither self-sacrifice nor self-aggrandizement. This tenet guides us to live together, share the goods and do what we want – without causing harm to others or ourselves.” --Deborah Adele
Part one of ten - workshop discussion of the yamas and niyamas (there are 5 of each).
This is a co-ed group. Suitable for participants age 14 and up.
Value: $10 Please pre-register by October 25. If space is limited, we may move to an outdoor location. Registration: Click here to register online call (985) 892-8111, or email [email protected] If you have any questions before attending, Brenda can be reached at 985-401-1323 or [email protected]
Workshop will be held in the Great Room |