The Women's Center for Healing & Transformation provides:
- A haven for women and older girls to experience inner work for personal growth and spiritual exploration and to be supported by other women in both professional and peer relationships and by the space itself, indoor and out.
- A vision that this healing work for girls and women is essential to a healthier community, a more peaceful nation, and a planet that is cared for.
- A hybrid of for-profit and non-profit services offering individual, group, and community events at various levels of service (professionally led, taught by leaders in the topic, or led by peers).
- Professional individual services such as holistic and traditional psychotherapy, body work, energy work, etc., such as acupuncture or other complementary healing modalities.
- Group work in some of the above modalities, as well as Integrative Breathwork and other deep process work.
- Classes and ongoing groups for fee (and some for free) such as yoga, tai chi, dance, cooking, parenting, art/creativity, sacred songs, birthing, breastfeeding, menopausal issues, positive aging, meditation, financial health, herbs and herbal medicine, Earth awareness, eco-feminism, ancient/indigenous approaches to women’s issues, women’s empowerment, and related issues as approved by the board and/or primary providers.
- Free talks—lecture series on any of the above and other topics from female professionals and other women of the community.
- Other free or by donation only events such as drumming circles, book clubs, quilting or knitting circles, meditation groups, healing circles, etc. and low-cost events open to all women.
- A networking center, both online and with bulletin board etc. on site, for announcing events of interest to women in our area that are in keeping with the purpose of the center. This allows women who come to the center to have an opportunity to network about their products or services.