Thresholds, Forks in the Road, and Crossroads:
Accessing your Creative Potential

Friday - Sunday
October 11 - 13
Friday at 3:00 until Sunday at 3:00
Fall Retreat for Women
Whether you feel “stuck” at a crossroads, already in transition, or on the verge of stepping over a threshold into new territory, this retreat provides the sacred space to access your creative process of change.
Join us for an experiential workshop retreat in which we'll draw insight from methods such as journaling, affirmations, embodied practices, deep inner listening, psychosynthesis, breath journey, and the power of myth. Part of what creates the transformation is simply making this time and space for yourself in the company of other committed women and trusting the process.
We will support each other in finding our inner voice of truth and wisdom for our own realization of potential, as well as for the greater good.
October 11 - 13
Friday at 3:00 until Sunday at 3:00
Fall Retreat for Women
Whether you feel “stuck” at a crossroads, already in transition, or on the verge of stepping over a threshold into new territory, this retreat provides the sacred space to access your creative process of change.
Join us for an experiential workshop retreat in which we'll draw insight from methods such as journaling, affirmations, embodied practices, deep inner listening, psychosynthesis, breath journey, and the power of myth. Part of what creates the transformation is simply making this time and space for yourself in the company of other committed women and trusting the process.
We will support each other in finding our inner voice of truth and wisdom for our own realization of potential, as well as for the greater good.
Sleep on-site (dorm style), reserve nearby Abita Hotel, or sleep at home (if it’s a calm place for you). A break from electronics makes for a more complete retreat experience. More details sent upon registration, or email [email protected] with questions.
Facilitated by Catherine Williams, MA and Patricia Stout, LCSW
Patricia and Catherine draw on their own expertise and on the wisdom of beloved teachers in facilitating this sacred space.
Limit 16 participants—register early to secure your place. Must have 8 paid registrants by October 6 to hold the retreat.
Your commitment allows it to happen! $180 for three days $250 for three days and 2 overnights (Both rates includes food, all supplies and retreat facilitation) Financial arrangements are available for retreat. Contact Patricia at [email protected] Reserve your spot with a deposit of at least $60 today. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE
You'll also have the option to pay deposit online with credit card or Paypal. To pay by check, make payable to Women's Center for Healing and mail to:
Catherine Williams, MA is a SoulCollage® Facilitator, Drama Therapist and Certified Teacher of the Enneagram of Personality. For over 25 years she has led workshops integrating the visual arts, movement and drama. Her love is to support creative self-expression and the revelation of one’s precious wholeness: the one and the many that we are. Visit Catherine's website:
Patricia Stout, LCSW-BACS is a holistic social worker and clinical supervisor dedicated to wellness, emotional intelligence and consciousness-raising towards a cultural paradigm shift. She offers individual and group holistic psychotherapy for women, along with workshops, meditation classes, and retreats. Certified through Eupsychia Institute for Well-Being with Jacquelyn Small in Psycho-Spiritual Integration and Integrative Breathwork, Patricia facilitates the Breathwork experience, since 1991, to address a range of issues from compulsive behaviors to environmental concerns. It is her dream to create loving community and to deepen women's spiritual and personal growth for the greater good.
Patricia Stout, LCSW-BACS is a holistic social worker and clinical supervisor dedicated to wellness, emotional intelligence and consciousness-raising towards a cultural paradigm shift. She offers individual and group holistic psychotherapy for women, along with workshops, meditation classes, and retreats. Certified through Eupsychia Institute for Well-Being with Jacquelyn Small in Psycho-Spiritual Integration and Integrative Breathwork, Patricia facilitates the Breathwork experience, since 1991, to address a range of issues from compulsive behaviors to environmental concerns. It is her dream to create loving community and to deepen women's spiritual and personal growth for the greater good.