Women in the World’s Cultures
Monthly, on the 4th Thursday of the month
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Next meeting: October 22 (no meeting in September)
A Discussion Series co-sponsored by the Women's Center and the Covington-Mandeville branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) - Open to men and women
A discussion series examining various aspects of the interaction of the world’s cultures with women’s rights. Co-sponsored by the Women’s Center and the Covington-Mandeville branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), the series explores perceived positive and negative influences of cultural norms on women’s continual quest for equality throughout the globe. Each meeting focuses on a different aspect of the topic.
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Next meeting: October 22 (no meeting in September)
A Discussion Series co-sponsored by the Women's Center and the Covington-Mandeville branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) - Open to men and women
A discussion series examining various aspects of the interaction of the world’s cultures with women’s rights. Co-sponsored by the Women’s Center and the Covington-Mandeville branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), the series explores perceived positive and negative influences of cultural norms on women’s continual quest for equality throughout the globe. Each meeting focuses on a different aspect of the topic.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. Contact the Women's Center at (985) 892-8111 or [email protected].
Fee for this program is optional, however, donations toward future speakers and refreshments will be appreciated.
The group will meet in the Great Room.
The American Association of University Women, with its nationwide network of more than 100,000 members, 1,300 branches, and 550 college and university partners, has been a leading advocate for equity and education for women and girls since 1881. For more information about the Covington-Mandeville branch of AAUW, contact Eileen deHaro at 624-9553. Membership discounts will be available to eligible participants. Check out its website at http://covmande-la.aauw.net/ or visit on Meetup at www.meetup.com/AAUW-Covington-Mandeville/.
Fee for this program is optional, however, donations toward future speakers and refreshments will be appreciated.
The group will meet in the Great Room.
The American Association of University Women, with its nationwide network of more than 100,000 members, 1,300 branches, and 550 college and university partners, has been a leading advocate for equity and education for women and girls since 1881. For more information about the Covington-Mandeville branch of AAUW, contact Eileen deHaro at 624-9553. Membership discounts will be available to eligible participants. Check out its website at http://covmande-la.aauw.net/ or visit on Meetup at www.meetup.com/AAUW-Covington-Mandeville/.