The Art of Loving You

Friday, August 5
1:00 - 4:00 pm
The Art of Loving You: A Self-Esteem Workshop
Society gives us many ideas about who we should be that we often lose sight of who we truly are. Connecting inward, to that true authentic self, can allow a person to work on their self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. Through art, we are able to tap into our true, authentic selves. The exercises in this workshop can allow you to connect to that inner “you.”
Co-lead by interns Crystal McElroy and Alicia Reynaud
1:00 - 4:00 pm
The Art of Loving You: A Self-Esteem Workshop
Society gives us many ideas about who we should be that we often lose sight of who we truly are. Connecting inward, to that true authentic self, can allow a person to work on their self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. Through art, we are able to tap into our true, authentic selves. The exercises in this workshop can allow you to connect to that inner “you.”
Co-lead by interns Crystal McElroy and Alicia Reynaud
Cost: Sliding scale $5 - $20, pay as you're able
Limited to 10 participants - register today! Registration: Click here to register online Or contact the Women's Center by phone (985) 892-8111 or email [email protected] |
Held in the Great Room
Please enter through side rear door
Please enter through side rear door