Sacred Listening Circle

On the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month
2:00 - 3:30 pm
Group members: Email us here to receive Zoom link to join the meeting
PLEASE NOTE: This group is now full and has been closed to new participants. If interested in forming a new group, click here to let us know!
A Sacred Listening Circle is a group of 6 to10 women who meet twice a month to look a little more deeply at life - to connect, talk, listen, process experiences, and rejuvenate in a confidential group setting. A sanctuary of friendship, soul care and empowerment.
A Sacred Listening Circle is a closed group limited to 6-10 people. Registration is necessary and some restrictions apply. This is not a therapy group.
Commitment: Attend meetings regularly for 3 months and honor a group covenant of confidentiality. The group will open to shifts in membership every 3 months.
Cost: Love offering. Donations to the Women’s Center for the use of the space are welcome and appreciated.
2:00 - 3:30 pm
Group members: Email us here to receive Zoom link to join the meeting
PLEASE NOTE: This group is now full and has been closed to new participants. If interested in forming a new group, click here to let us know!
A Sacred Listening Circle is a group of 6 to10 women who meet twice a month to look a little more deeply at life - to connect, talk, listen, process experiences, and rejuvenate in a confidential group setting. A sanctuary of friendship, soul care and empowerment.
A Sacred Listening Circle is a closed group limited to 6-10 people. Registration is necessary and some restrictions apply. This is not a therapy group.
Commitment: Attend meetings regularly for 3 months and honor a group covenant of confidentiality. The group will open to shifts in membership every 3 months.
Cost: Love offering. Donations to the Women’s Center for the use of the space are welcome and appreciated.
Participants must be pre-registered to attend - not a drop-in group.
Please contact Leslie if you have any questions.
(985) 502-8745 call or text (preferred)
or [email protected]
Women's Center for Healing & Transformation
email [email protected]
phone (985) 892-8111
Please contact Leslie if you have any questions.
(985) 502-8745 call or text (preferred)
or [email protected]
Women's Center for Healing & Transformation
email [email protected]
phone (985) 892-8111
The Purpose of the Sacred Listening Circle
Our privilege is to see the unique and singular expression of life
that is in the person in front of us.
that is in the person in front of us.
There are very few places in the world where we can go within, listen to the small, still voice, speak from the heart and really be heard. Culture is quick to distract us, tell us what to think, feel, believe and sell us the solution.
The practice of quieting the external voices and listening to the internal voice needs cultivation. And the practice of deeply listening to someone else with a clear heart and mind requires careful attention. We have a natural tendency to judge, compare, diagnose, put people into boxes with labels on them. This keeps us from really seeing the unique person and honoring the intelligence and wisdom that they carry.
To listen to someone without needing to rescue or fix it is to show respect and trust in her ability to grow. Can we sit as companions to another person as she presents an issue or problem and trust that she can hold and manage it without our doing it for her? Can we witness, mirror, hold, reflect without discomfort or distraction?
The Sacred Listening Circle serves as a container for this witnessing. Because it is delicate work that can easily be lost, it requires careful attending and reverence, hence the title “Sacred”.
The practice of quieting the external voices and listening to the internal voice needs cultivation. And the practice of deeply listening to someone else with a clear heart and mind requires careful attention. We have a natural tendency to judge, compare, diagnose, put people into boxes with labels on them. This keeps us from really seeing the unique person and honoring the intelligence and wisdom that they carry.
To listen to someone without needing to rescue or fix it is to show respect and trust in her ability to grow. Can we sit as companions to another person as she presents an issue or problem and trust that she can hold and manage it without our doing it for her? Can we witness, mirror, hold, reflect without discomfort or distraction?
The Sacred Listening Circle serves as a container for this witnessing. Because it is delicate work that can easily be lost, it requires careful attending and reverence, hence the title “Sacred”.