Mindful Mothering

Friday, December 2
10:00 - 11:30 am
A Group for All Moms, with Carol Le Blanc, PhD
Share the joys and challenges of motherhood with other moms on a mindful journey. Enjoy nurturing yoga, learning how to share the art of mindfulness with children, and discovering your own unique Mother Nature. Soothe your body and soul while learning a mindful approach to parenting and to self-care. Explore strategies for balancing your life, for connecting with children and enjoying the precious moments of motherhood one breath at a time...
10:00 - 11:30 am
A Group for All Moms, with Carol Le Blanc, PhD
Share the joys and challenges of motherhood with other moms on a mindful journey. Enjoy nurturing yoga, learning how to share the art of mindfulness with children, and discovering your own unique Mother Nature. Soothe your body and soul while learning a mindful approach to parenting and to self-care. Explore strategies for balancing your life, for connecting with children and enjoying the precious moments of motherhood one breath at a time...
Value: $20
"Pay as you're able" available Registration: Click here to register online Register by phone (985) 892-8111 or email [email protected] Note: Class size requirements must be met for class to proceed as planned. If minimum enrollment is not reached, class may be cancelled; Registration will be closed when maximum number of participants is reached. Classes will be held in the Great Room |
"You have to find a mother inside yourself. We all do. Even if we already have a mother, we still have to find this part of ourselves inside." - Sue Monk Kidd |