Integrative Breathwork Journey

Saturday, July 30
12:00 - 7:00 pm
Breathwork Intensives are inner journeys with music, expression, unblocking of chakras, and re-birthing the inner self. Deep, transformative work for those in times of transition, exploration or adventure.
Considered by some to be a modern form of shamanism, this musical trance journey allows safe access to altered states of awareness, beyond the realm of words and the ego-mind. In this way, it is possible to shift patterns of thought and behavior that lie deep in the unconscious. This is true for both the individual and collective consciousness.
Pre-registration is required - see details below
Patricia's intensive post-graduate training focused on the intersection of depth psychology and the state of our relationship with earth and her creatures. Our breath is a reminder of the connection to all beings, our larger Self. Healing ourselves and healing our relationship to Mother Earth is of the same fabric. Come explore wholeness through the breath.
12:00 - 7:00 pm
Breathwork Intensives are inner journeys with music, expression, unblocking of chakras, and re-birthing the inner self. Deep, transformative work for those in times of transition, exploration or adventure.
Considered by some to be a modern form of shamanism, this musical trance journey allows safe access to altered states of awareness, beyond the realm of words and the ego-mind. In this way, it is possible to shift patterns of thought and behavior that lie deep in the unconscious. This is true for both the individual and collective consciousness.
Pre-registration is required - see details below
Patricia's intensive post-graduate training focused on the intersection of depth psychology and the state of our relationship with earth and her creatures. Our breath is a reminder of the connection to all beings, our larger Self. Healing ourselves and healing our relationship to Mother Earth is of the same fabric. Come explore wholeness through the breath.
Patricia Stout, LCSW, is certified as a facilitator of Integrative Breathwork and Psycho-Spiritual Integration and has been holding workshops for this deep process since 1991. Her breath training is over 1,000 hours with Jacquelyn Small, MSSW, Dr. Stanislav Grof, Jack Kornfield, PhD and Jim Morningstar, PhD.
Value: $45, financial arrangements available Pay As You're Able |
Register: Pre-registration and phone conversation required to be sure Breathwork is right for you at this time. Contact Patricia at (985) 264-8089 or, and mail $20 non-refundable deposit (check made out to the Women's Center) to Patricia Stout, 71667 Leveson Street, Abita Springs, LA 70420.
Or complete your registration here: Register online
Please note: A minimum of 6 participants must be registered
by July 23 in order for the workshop to be confirmed.
Held in the Great Room
Enter through side rear door
Or complete your registration here: Register online
Please note: A minimum of 6 participants must be registered
by July 23 in order for the workshop to be confirmed.
Held in the Great Room
Enter through side rear door