Co-Ed Etiquette Boot Camp

Saturday, February 9
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
For boys and girls, ages 13 to 17 years old
This class stresses the importance of considering the thoughts, needs, and feelings of others in addition to our own. Topics include tact, apologies, rudeness, attending parties, poise, table manners, nonverbal communication, discretion, lack of affect, establishing boundaries, proper attire and skillful conversation.
The course will be lead by Dr. Amber, a certified social and life skills coach. For more information about Dr. Amber and her services, please visit
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
For boys and girls, ages 13 to 17 years old
This class stresses the importance of considering the thoughts, needs, and feelings of others in addition to our own. Topics include tact, apologies, rudeness, attending parties, poise, table manners, nonverbal communication, discretion, lack of affect, establishing boundaries, proper attire and skillful conversation.
The course will be lead by Dr. Amber, a certified social and life skills coach. For more information about Dr. Amber and her services, please visit
Value: $40
A non-refundable deposit of $15 is required to reserve your space. The remaining $25 should be paid, online or by check, 24 hours in advance of class. Please pre-register by Friday, February 1. Class size is limited to six participants. Register early to save your space! A minimum of three students must be registered for the class to be held. The class is to be attended by students on their own (without siblings or parents present). Registration: Click here to register online call (985) 892-8111, or email [email protected] Questions? Contact Dr. Amber at 985.327.7831 |