A Bracelet of Solution vs Re-solution: A Beaded Exploration

Saturday, December 1
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Facilitated by MissElaineous Jeweler Elaine Pote
There is an open door at the Women’s Center for Healing & Transformation. And we’re inviting you to come in, to a workshop designed to help you let go of past anxiety, release future fears and live in the present moment.
Join us as we go on a guided exploration, using journaling, meditation and art to create our own future – in beads. Drop your excess baggage at the door, it’s the season for renewal and reinvention. It’s the season for solutions instead of re-solutions.
Knowing that the New Year is a time of change, it’s our chance at new beginnings. By its very nature, it invites fresh starts and reinvention. This can be a time to liberate ourselves from worn out patterns, a time to drop the trappings of conformity and commit to reshaping our lives with solutions - not re-solutions. Defy convention and speak your truth. You don’t have to live in comfortable misery. You have the power change your life by walking through an open door to the present moment.
When one door closes, another opens; we’ve all heard that. Well there is a door opening, inviting you through to reinvent yourself. If we move with the events and seasons of life, we can embrace our memories but let go of the past. If we plan for the future while not becoming lost in it, and openly meet whatever arises in the present moment, we will discover that our life is more vibrant, richer and freer than anything we could have imagined.
Elaine Pote is the facilitator, with more than 30 years of beading experience. She has been participating in meditation for 5 years at the Women's Center. Elaine has a degree in Cultural Anthropology.
Cost is $30 with all supplies included.
For women only.
The workshop is limited to 10 participants. Must have at least 4 registered in order to hold the workshop.
Click here to register online
Or register by phone (985) 892-8111
or email [email protected]
Workshop will be held in the Great Room
Questions? Contact Elaine at (985) 871-1465 or [email protected]
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Facilitated by MissElaineous Jeweler Elaine Pote
There is an open door at the Women’s Center for Healing & Transformation. And we’re inviting you to come in, to a workshop designed to help you let go of past anxiety, release future fears and live in the present moment.
Join us as we go on a guided exploration, using journaling, meditation and art to create our own future – in beads. Drop your excess baggage at the door, it’s the season for renewal and reinvention. It’s the season for solutions instead of re-solutions.
Knowing that the New Year is a time of change, it’s our chance at new beginnings. By its very nature, it invites fresh starts and reinvention. This can be a time to liberate ourselves from worn out patterns, a time to drop the trappings of conformity and commit to reshaping our lives with solutions - not re-solutions. Defy convention and speak your truth. You don’t have to live in comfortable misery. You have the power change your life by walking through an open door to the present moment.
When one door closes, another opens; we’ve all heard that. Well there is a door opening, inviting you through to reinvent yourself. If we move with the events and seasons of life, we can embrace our memories but let go of the past. If we plan for the future while not becoming lost in it, and openly meet whatever arises in the present moment, we will discover that our life is more vibrant, richer and freer than anything we could have imagined.
Elaine Pote is the facilitator, with more than 30 years of beading experience. She has been participating in meditation for 5 years at the Women's Center. Elaine has a degree in Cultural Anthropology.
Cost is $30 with all supplies included.
For women only.
The workshop is limited to 10 participants. Must have at least 4 registered in order to hold the workshop.
Click here to register online
Or register by phone (985) 892-8111
or email [email protected]
Workshop will be held in the Great Room
Questions? Contact Elaine at (985) 871-1465 or [email protected]