If you came to this page through a link to pay for a class or event, please use the yellow button below, and when prompted, please indicate which program you are attending. Thank you! You may also make a one-time donation using the yellow button. Thank you for your generosity.
Will You Answer the Call?
Become a Vision Keeper
By becoming a “Vision Keeper” you ensure that a platform for healing and justice is here for future generations of women and girls. As a Vision Keeper, you generously commit to donate for at least two years to invest in the vision and mission of the Women’s Center for Healing & Transformation. Our donor circle is inclusive of all income levels and embodies our principles of creating more egalitarian systems.
The women of our community count on the Women’s Center and its Vision Keepers to support innovative program development, empowering leadership models, and a kaleidoscope of opportunities for personal healing and collective awakening. By becoming a Vision Keeper, you know that you are an agent of change – that your meaningful contribution helps weave a tapestry to strengthen our community. You will be invited to our annual Tea Ceremony where we honor your contribution and also celebrate those who have already been long-term donors. Thank you for your generosity and for keeping the vision of a world transformed by empowered women!
The women of our community count on the Women’s Center and its Vision Keepers to support innovative program development, empowering leadership models, and a kaleidoscope of opportunities for personal healing and collective awakening. By becoming a Vision Keeper, you know that you are an agent of change – that your meaningful contribution helps weave a tapestry to strengthen our community. You will be invited to our annual Tea Ceremony where we honor your contribution and also celebrate those who have already been long-term donors. Thank you for your generosity and for keeping the vision of a world transformed by empowered women!
The Women’s Center relies on your generous donations to offer workshops, classes and seminars; to support low-cost services for women; and to fund community outreach efforts, program development and special guest speakers.
Please click here to make a one-time donation to support our mission and/or for a specific class or event.
Or click below to become a Vision Keeper:
Your donation is tax deductible.
The Women's Center for Healing & Transformation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
The Women's Center for Healing & Transformation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
Choose your level and frequency and start your donation online, through bill pay or by mailing a check:
- Donate Online by clicking the donate button above to donate with a credit card or PayPal.
- Use Bill Pay Online Banking: Visit your bank’s website and set up the Women’s Center as a payee using our address below, then enable recurring payments.
- Mail a Check: Donating by check allows us to utilize 100% of your donation. Make check payable to "Women's Center for Healing" and mail to address below. Indicate "Vision Keeper" in the memo line.
Women's Center for Healing & Transformation
P.O. Box 1112
Mandeville, LA 70470
[email protected]
(985) 377-9201
P.O. Box 1112
Mandeville, LA 70470
[email protected]
(985) 377-9201